This week is suppose to be scheduled Milan Design week 2020.
Salone has been telling us enormous possibility of design.
In times like this, we would like to believe the power of design and think about what we can do through design.

We had been planning a textile installation collaborating with Kawashima Selkon Textiles Co., Ltd. that has long history in Kyoto, Japan for Milan Design Week 2020. Involving from designing woven textile process, we were suppose to create a new textile landscape.
Salone has been cancelled this year, but we strongly hope COVID-19 issue will go away and our lives will be able to return to the way we were before, and then, hoping see you in Milan Design Week 2021.

今週はMilan Design Week 2020が開催される予定だった週です。
今年は中止になってしまいましたが、一刻もはやくコロナウイルスが終息し生活が元に戻り、Milan Design Week  2021でお会い出来ることを願っています。